These darned old computers

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Mon Aug 26 15:35:00 2002

Rumor has it that Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) may have mentioned these words:
>On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Lawrence Walker wrote:
> > In referring to the "360k" do you mean the model (RS 25-1060) that shipped
> > IIRC for the 1000HX ( ?) ? I just checked my COCO M.502 drive and the edge
> > connector is slightly different. It would be nice to have a useable 2nd
> drive
> > for my CoCos.
>I don't know what butchery they might have done to later models (probably
>just putting the power through the ribbon cable).

That's about it... otherwise it was a standard drive...

>On the original Coco, the drive was interchangeable with the drives for
>the Model 1 (*), and consisted of a "standard" drive mechanism in a case
>with power supply, and a card edge extender to bring the 34 pin card edge
>of the drive to the outside for cable hookup.
>Radio Shack did the drive select through missing pins in the cable. Each
>drive had ALL of the drive selects turned on! If you use a more
>"normal" cable, then open the case and deselect the drive selects that are
>not wanted.
>Hmmmm. seems that for drive select 3 (fourth drive), they used a pin that
>was originally intended for something other than drive select. 34? (side)
>6? 8?
>THAT could complicate things slightly if you need 4 drives, or use the RS

Dunno which pin it was, bit it was the Side Select pin that they used, so
if you need to use 4 drives, you can only use SS drives... otherwise, the
CoCo's limited to 3 DS drives.

>(*) NOTE: one exception to the interchange of drives between Coco and
>Model 1 was that the earliest drives for the model 1 were Shugart Sa400
>drives that only went to 35 tracks, and thus would FAIL on the top 5 or so

Noper - RS-DOS is designed for only 35-track operation, so you won't have
any problem with those drives. OS-9 also assumes 35 tracks on any bootable
software sold thru RS; OS-9's also smart enough to recognize SS floppies if
you've booted with DS drivers.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Received on Mon Aug 26 2002 - 15:35:00 BST

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