Outbound (Mac-compatible) laptops.

From: Mark Tapley <mtapley_at_swri.edu>
Date: Mon Aug 26 17:51:00 2002

        got in contact with an old friend of mine, Jeff
(no.trag.spam_at_io.com, remove the obvious and the dots before the @), and
got some information relevant to the Outbound systems. Here's the useful

>Yes, Outbound. I don't know why so many people write Outback. Maybe
>because of the steak house?

He goes on to say he has one and some parts, but not any he wants to
dispose of right now.

>Chris mentions the docking ability to a Mac Plus (could also be a Mac
>SE). I don't have that docking adapter. The thingy that goes
>inside the Mac Plus. I really want one too, but have not been able
>to find one anywhere. I put an ad in the news groups every so often
>with no results.
>have taken them apart and done repairs and such so I know them pretty
>well. Most of that work was close to ten years ago though, so the
>memory may be hazy. Oh, I have done component level repairs on the
>power supply and fixed the corrupt EEPROM problem--so if someone has
>those issues with one, I might be able to provide advice too.
>BTW, what this fellow is referring to is the original Outbound Laptop
>Model 125. Most people think of the later notebooks when they think
>of the Outbound. For example, the notebook on "Single White Female"
>is an Outbound *Notebook*. The Laptop is a big clunker at 9 lb.
>It's about 8.5" X 11" X 4". It uses a standard lead-acid camcorder
>battery which makes it easy to replace. The last time I checked
>Radio Shack and Best Buy sold them.
>The slave card isn't that hard to install--so I understand. I
>believe it just plugs into the ROM sockets.
>Hmmmm. What is the scope of the classic computers list?

(I told him anything computing and >10 years old.)

>I'm looking for some information on Larry Pina.
>...Let me know if
>someone pops up on the list with some docking adapters for the Model
>125--or if you're feeling energetic you might ask if anyone has any
>extras they want to part with.

HTH, - Mark
Received on Mon Aug 26 2002 - 17:51:00 BST

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