Karl Bernst writes:
> I've got an octal keypad plus the letters "H,L,G,S,R,A,B,C"... Anyone =
> who knows exactly what they do?
After doing a web search, I found a listing for the keyboard
It appears that you enter an 3 digit octal number and then hit a
function key.
H - puts the number in the H register
L - puts the number in the L register
S - puts the number into memory pointed to by HL and then
increments HL.
G - Loads the program counter with the contents of HL
I dug out my copy of "the 8080a Bugbook", but it does not
discuss the operation of the keyboard. You might try to find
the May-July 1976 issue of Radio Electronics.
Doug Coward
_at_ home in Poulsbo, WA
Analog Computer Online Museum and History Center
Received on Mon Aug 26 2002 - 22:47:00 BST