reviving a HP 9000/310

From: Joe <>
Date: Tue Aug 27 07:40:26 2002

At 07:56 PM 8/26/02 -0700, you wrote:
>Can you stop the boot process when it is searching for a boot device and
>then manually select the boot device and add the ISL option?

   Yes you can. Press the space bar during the memory test or while it's looking for and testing the I/O cards and it will display a list of operating Systems on the right hand side of the screen and will halt awaiting operator input. Each OS will have a one or two character code immediately to the left of the OS name. You press the two character code to boot that OS. if you go to the URL that Rumi showed, there is a picture there that shows a screen just prior to it listing the OSs. The HP-UX systems usually show 1H and 1D (and often other choices as well). The 1D seems to be a Debugging mode.


 If you can get
>to an ISL prompt then you should be able to boot in single user mode. I
>have no idea if older HP 9000 systems have an ISL prompt, my experience is
>limited to 9000/700 series systems.
>>From: "Rumi Szabolcs" <>
>>Subject: reviving a HP 9000/310
>>Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 01:53:48 +0100
>>I'm currently trying to make an old HP 9000/310 machine work.
>>Some information about the machine and the status of the
>>"project" can be found out at:
>>What I currently need is either a way to crack into the
>>HP-UX that is already installed on the box, or a floppy
>>set (== images which can be written to floppies) of HP-UX
>>that would run on this machine which sports a Motorola
>>68010/10MHz CPU, 2MB RAM, and a HP9153C 40MB HP-IB hard
>>disk drive / 3.5" floppy drive combo.
>>If you have such floppy images, or could help me with any
>>software, documentation, or information regarding this system,
>>please don't hesitate to contact me via email.
>>If I succeed, I'm planning to put a nice webpage together
>>about the system, with pics, history, infos, etc.
>>Szabolcs Rumi
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