Olivetti M24 monitor

From: Feldman, Robert <Robert_Feldman_at_jdedwards.com>
Date: Wed Aug 28 09:08:00 2002

Display Frequrency: 24 MHz
Horizontal Freq: 25,862 kHz
Vertical Freq: 59,873 Hz
Dots per trace: 640
Number of Traces: 400
Power Supply: 15V +- 1.5%

I have a block diagram (from AT&T 6300 Plus docs), which I can scan and send
you if you want it.

Wouter de Waal wrote:
> I need to kludge a momitor for an M24 (which is
> running some kind of a cutting table for making
> rubber boats)
> I remember the machine from student days, and the
> monitor was, as far as I remember, not standard
> at all.
Received on Wed Aug 28 2002 - 09:08:00 BST

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