Goodies from today's trip to new places

From: Joe <>
Date: Wed Aug 28 18:22:00 2002

At 05:56 PM 8/28/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Well it was a great day being given a tour by a local guy who knows some of
>the better places to go for all types of computer stuff. I walked away with
>the following items and have a bid in on some others.
>1. Data General terminal model 6255 (no keyboard with it),
>2. Data General Aviion model G70624D,
>3. SGI IRIS Indigo xs24,

   Nice catch! What CPU does it have? I just picked up one with 4Gb SCSI, floppy drive, 96Mb RAM, XS-24 video, and a 150MHz R4400 :-)

Received on Wed Aug 28 2002 - 18:22:00 BST

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