IIc+ mouse `A+ Little Mouse'

From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Aug 29 19:56:00 2002

--- "Robert F. Schaefer" <rschaefe_at_gcfn.org> wrote:
> That's what I was afraid of. If I had some software, I'd try the pad to
> my sun-whatever optical.

There are two pads used with Sun mice - type 3/4 mice and type 5 mice.
You want the older one (coarser grid)

> You wouldn't happen to know if there's any built-in
> goodies, would you?

AFAIK, no, there aren't. You'll need to find a mouse-aware app.


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Received on Thu Aug 29 2002 - 19:56:00 BST

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