In the ol' days "version updates" served a real
tangible purpose. Nowadays it's like trading
new bugs for old .........................M$#&^%$!
IIRC CP/M2.2 introduced the Ambigues Filenames
that we now call Wildcards.............
Sipke de Wal
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Davis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 11:34 PM
Subject: CP/M 1.3 Question
> Not sure if I asked this to the list but I have a version (1.35) of
> CP/M. On that floppy there is a version of PIP that does not act
> like the manual. Of course I'm using a 2.2 manual, which is a newer
> version.
> I'm trying to copy some files from one disk to another but this PIP
> does not seem to have any multiple file copy.
> I tried: PIP B:=A:*.* per the instructions and get a filename error.
> It's real tedious copying each file, one-by-one.
> The other thing that I wonder about is that there does not seem to be
> any allownace for file types on the version that I'm using. I tried
> some of the text vs binary options and it won't accept them. Anyone
> know if these are necessary when doing disk copys? The files seem to
> run ok when copied.
> I have not been able to find any manuals for this version on the
> internet anywhere. I have checked the CP/M archives but no go.
> Thanks,
Received on Fri Aug 30 2002 - 03:29:01 BST