Hello and Intro...

From: Kevin Monceaux <OwnedByDogs_at_clearsource.net>
Date: Fri Aug 30 21:26:01 2002


Welcome to Texas. I'm just a little ways down the road from you, in Waco.
I would love to hear about your collection. I'm currently in the want to
start collecting catagory. I've recently started checking out the VMS
hobbyist program. I was a volunteer operator on a VAX 11/750 back in
college. Currently I'm running VMS on an emulator but would love to get
some real VAX hardware. If you come across any VAX hardware in the Dallas
area in need of a good home, that you don't want to adopt, let me know.


On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Mike & Yvonne Nealey wrote:

> Hello,
> Just wanted to introduce myself. I collect older computers, mainly mini's
> and Unix workstations. I have stuff from most of the companies that made any
> of the above types of computers. I enjoy getting machines that work, or are
> close to working, and actually using them. I also enjoy working with older
> versions of Operating Systems and software. My ultimate goal is to get a
> network of machines together and available to the Internet for others with
> the same interest to access and enjoy.
> I've just recently moved to the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas so if there
> are any other collectors/hobbyists in the area I would love to talk to you!
> Please send me an email and we'll chat about the hobby and maybe we can do
> some trades.
> Thanks,
> Mike N.
> mlnealey_at_earthlink.net
> P.S. I believe this post should be on topic because I am over 10 years old.
Received on Fri Aug 30 2002 - 21:26:01 BST

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