Vintage Ultra-Comp price list

From: Ryan Underwood <>
Date: Thu Dec 5 06:41:01 2002


well, I've seen some discussions back and forth around here about what things
cost "back in the day", with some wildly differing figures at times.

In St. Louis, we used to have a distributor named Ultra-Comp, who
was in the Earth City area in Maryland Heights (by the I-70/I-270

So here's an Ultra-Comp price list of 1988 vintage:

(BTW, my dad bought the "Ultra Turbo-10 640 system" from them.
Upgraded from a Leading Edge 256K 4.77mhz system, 1986 vintage.
In 1991, I tasted a 386-40 clone for the first time, and was forever
weaned from the 8086. Hehe.)

Ryan Underwood, <nemesis at>, icq=10317253
Received on Thu Dec 05 2002 - 06:41:01 GMT

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