Sharp PC-7100 Configuration Question

From: Mike <>
Date: Mon Dec 9 11:42:00 2002

I have a question regarding a Sharp PC-7000 series computer. I think mine
is a 7221 or such. It has a hard drive and a floppy drive (FDD)

My problem is that when the computer boots up, I get a "configuration"
error. I can hear the HD spin up but apparently there is nothing on it.

The "configuration" error says to strike F1 to continue and when I do, I
get an error that indicates that the device is not a boot device. The FDD
is never accessed and the FDD light never lights.

So, my questions are these:

1) Is there a source for the configuration diskette somewhere on the
internet, so that I can get a copy of that diskette?

2) What can I do to reset the configuration, since I don't seem to have
FDD access? Ctl-Alt-Setup does not seem to allow me to set the FDD to

Received on Mon Dec 09 2002 - 11:42:00 GMT

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