Looking for N* parts

From: Cini, Richard <RCini_at_congressfinancial.com>
Date: Mon Dec 9 15:39:27 2002

Hello, all:

        I'm working with Scott LaBombard to get my N* system (which is
mostly made up of Vector parts) working. This has been an on-and-off project
of mine for years, but I enlisted Scott's help since I can't seem to make it

        After slogging through all the parts, re-configuring everything, and
doing some testing, we've found that I need either a N* single-density boot
disk or an MDS-AD/AD2/AD3 double-density controller. It seems that when I
got this machine a few years ago, the person must have had multiple N*
systems and sent me only double-density disks (common) for a single-density
(more rare) equipped system.

        Can someone help me out with this? Does anyone have a spare N* DD

        Thanks in advance. We're pretty close on this one.


Received on Mon Dec 09 2002 - 15:39:27 GMT

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