GenRad tester

From: Joe <>
Date: Fri Dec 13 10:28:00 2002


   Thanks for the info. That's kind of what I thought it was. It sounds like an interesting syustem but I have too many projects already.


At 09:12 PM 12/12/02 -0500, Arlen Michaels wrote:
>on 12/12/02 7:26 PM, Joe at wrote:
>> I was the one that asked about the GenRad 2300 Advanced Developement System. I
>> searched the net and found ONE reference to it. It is a CPM computer but
>> didn't find anything more than that.
>I believe this is the FutureData microprocessor development system sold
>around 1980-83 by GenRad, before Kontron bought the product line from them.
>It competed with similar high-end engineering tools from Tektronix and HP
>(their 64000 system).
>This was a very cool, high-powered development tool in its day, for the
>popular 8-bit processors like 6802, 8085, Z80. You would edit and assemble
>your code on the FData. By plugging a 40-pin probe into the target
>hardware's cpu socket, you'd execute the code in the actual target hardware
>under control of the FData and its debugging software ("in-circuit
>emulation"). When you were satisfied with your code you could burn it to
>eprom and plug it and the processor chip back into the target hardware.
>These systems were populated with somewhat specific hardware and software to
>match the target microprocessor system you were designing. For example, the
>box would use a 6800 cpu card, 6800 in-circuit emulator pod, and native
>6800-coded OS for Motorola work; an 8085 cpu, pod, and an 8085-coded OS for
>Intel development. The proprietary operating system was called RDOS and
>worked more or less the same for each platform but, as I indicated, the OS
>and the applications were coded natively for each processor they supported.
>They also sold a structured Basic compiler called SBasic for the 8085/Z80.
Received on Fri Dec 13 2002 - 10:28:00 GMT

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