OT: Re: Interesting Tim O'Reilly article.

From: pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com <(pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com)>
Date: Fri Dec 13 15:32:00 2002

On Dec 13, 11:12, David Woyciesjes wrote:
> Sellam Ismail wrote:

> I'm like Sellam here. I have bought quite a few CDs, based on
hearing a
> song or two from the album via Napster.
> Granted, I'm one of those people who look for that album in the
> rack first, before resorting to a buying new copy. It is a form of
> recycling; but I wonder what exactly do the record labels think of me
> for that?
> I also believe that new audio CDs are still overpriced. Doesn't
stop me
> from buying one, though, if I can't find a used copy.

If *you* think they're overpriced... I just bought two today, for presents.
 UKP13.99 each, which is just over $22 according to the Universal Currency
Converter. Yet when I look at my colleagues at work listening to CDs, I
see they spend part of the time listening to MP3s, and about half (I guess)
to CDs. Of the CDs, nearly all are original shop-bought, not CD-R copies.
 They have the technology, so that's not why they don't copy stuff.
 There's a difference in quality, and in reliability/robustness, and you
don't get the sleeve notes and graphics with a copy. The students I see
seem to do the same. I don't believe the hype or the wailing and moaning
from the music companies.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Fri Dec 13 2002 - 15:32:00 GMT

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