I have already responded to Bernd, but thought I should pass the info here.
I have
the whitepaper for this particular board, but nothing else. According to
the paper,
it is B004 compatible (most if not all PC boards are), so the software on
the website
*should* work. Here is the link to the whitepaper:
PS: As a side note, what is a good way to scan documents in such a
way as that the resulting PDF document can resize as large as possible
without loosing image quality. Word documents can resize as large as
without image loss. I hate putting word docs on the website....
-----Original Message-----
From: Thilo Schmidt
To: cctalk_at_classiccmp.org
Sent: 12/5/02 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: YARC Systems transputer board
Hi Bernd,
On 05-Dec-2002 Bernd Kopriva wrote:
> Today i've added a YARC Systems transputer board to my little IBM-AT
> coprocessor card collection :-)
Ah, I saw this board on Ebay... :-)
> Unfortunately, there was no documentation and software included ...
> ... and YARC Systems seems to be out of business for at least 2 years
This is a common problem with transputer based hardware...
> Does anyone have documentation/software for that little beauty ?
No, but most PC-Transputer-Boards where compatible to the
Inmos B004 interface.
On Ram's Transputer Homepage you should find a lot of software for
this interface (
I'm writing a Linux based development environment for transputers.
Currently only the B004 driver and the assembler are operational.
If you find any useful information regarding the interface of your
board I would be very interested...
Received on Mon Dec 16 2002 - 18:55:54 GMT