On Monday, December 23, 2002, at 01:41 PM, ben franchuk wrote:
>> In this day of special holidays, we must remember today's most
>> important
>> celebration ... the transistor, in 1947 (IIRC?).
>> Merry Transistor Day,
> Long live the triode ... 96 years and still going strong
> in hi-end audio.
Woohoo! :-)
> But really with with out Intel developing the 1k x 1 dynamic
> memory and programable uv memory computers would have never taken off.
Oh c'mon, Ben...they had taken off quite well by then, they were
just...a bit larger. ;)
Dave McGuire "She's a cheek pincher. I have scars."
St. Petersburg, FL -Gary Nichols
Received on Mon Dec 23 2002 - 16:04:16 GMT