The same seems to apply to the "genuine" HPIB (from HP) cables. They cost
$50-$80 when you want to buy one right now, but if you buy them at swap meets,
surplus, etc, you can get them for MUCH less.
I once bought a pair of 2-meter and a 3-meter cable, genuine HP stock, for
$3.95 for the lot at a local thrift store.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ethan Dicks" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 8:58 AM
Subject: GPIB cables (was Re: Screwed Again! Property dispo stuff...)
> --- Netdiablo <> wrote:
> > > * I also picked up an HP-IB looking cable with a Commodore
> > > logo on it. If I remember correctly, these were used to connect
> > > peripherals to some old Commodore systems
> It _is_ an HP-IB cable. The "some old Commodore systems" were called
> PETs. The printers and disks, etc., were GPIB devices (General Purpose
> Interface Bus - the non-HP name for IEEE-488). I even have an external
> serial port from a third-party - there's a UART and some logic inside
> to convert back and forth. To me, at least, slowness aside, it's one
> of the coolest features of the PET - you can hook up HP plotters
> and laboratory equipment, etc. The only problem was back in the day
> when PETs roamed the earth, the instruments that also had HP-IB interfaces
> cost as much as the PET itself. It was fun to play with the expensive
> toys in Physics Lab, though.
> > Well, a very kind soul has informed me that this cable is a quasi
> > rare item used to connect peripherals to Commodore PET systems, and
> > apparently that they are worth a bit of money ($50-80).
> I would dispute the quasi-rare label. You can still buy as many as
> you want, not from Commodore, but recently manufactured, for, as you
> say, the $50 range from catalogs, or, as I do, at hamfests, etc.
> > if anyone wants to cover my costs on the cable (I paid $5), that
> > would be cool, if not, and you're the only person interested,
> > well, I still wouldn't be adverse to just handing the thing
> > out.
> I'll say this... you did not overpay for it. Personally, my limit
> at hamfests is about $15. If I see a $10 cable, I might buy it. If
> it's $20, it sits where I found it.
> -ethan
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Received on Fri Feb 01 2002 - 10:31:59 GMT