cheap 16MB 30-pin RAM on eBay

From: Doc <>
Date: Fri Feb 1 13:25:11 2002

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Gordon Zaft wrote:

> I don't recall seeing board that claimed to support 16M 30 pin
> simms. Do they 'automagically' support this size, or is it just a small
> group that actually used 'em?

  The explanation I've seen is that 4M was the biggest [commonly?]
available when the SE/30 was in production. But I've seen a lot of
references in NG archives to SE/30s running 128M. I'll tell you in a
week or 2 if 80M works.
  FWIW, even a full set of 4M SIMMs (32M) requires the MacOS Mode32
extension on the SE/30. Its ROM is "not quite" 32-bit clean. LowEndMac
notes that there are claims that a IIsi ROM chip fixes the 32-bit clean
issue, but those are very rare.

Received on Fri Feb 01 2002 - 13:25:11 GMT

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