Q-Bus fear and other DEC busses ....

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_bg-tc-ppp726.monmouth.com>
Date: Sat Feb 2 10:43:08 2002

> Speaking of CPU and Unibus together, there are a few machines that follow
> their own rules - the Unibus slots in a 11/730 and 11/725 (and one model
> of PDP-11) are *not* wired identically to the slots in a DD11DK. Our
> COMBOARD-I used certain pins for extracting the Unibus signals from the
> backplane. It must be heavily modified to fit into one of these Unibuses.
> The COMBOARD-II uses the "right" pins and goes into any Unibus without
> modification. I don't think there are any DEC cards that have this
> limitation, but I wouldn't be surprised if CBD1 wasn't the only 3rd party
> card to get it wrong.
> -ethan

It's been a long time -- I was trained on the 11/7xx series at DEC in
'85 or so and I don't remember any special things about their Unibus as
far as bus loads, power or signals.

IIRC they 11/730 and 11/725 were pre-cut for DMA devices and had to have
special dual-width Unibus grant cards in place if the slots were empty.
IIRC, again it was because ot the tightness of the packaging of these
slots, anything in the Unibus expansion cabinets was standard.


  d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN.  Don't you wish you could still buy it now!
Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 10:43:08 GMT

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