On February 2, Doc Shipley wrote:
> This is sort of a sanity check. I'm putting the question here because
> of the cumulative years of professional experience here, as well as an
> "international" perspective.
> How would you react to a guest in your (not normally open to the
> public) building plugging a computer into a random ethernet port and
> asking for a DHCP lease? Is there any non-emergency consideration that
> would make that appropriate?
In a well-designed network, I wouldn't worry too much about it. On
an unswitched network with unencrypted root passwords floating around,
though, I'd have...erm, "issues" with it.
You bring up an interesting point, however. A good (if somewhat
simplistic) goal for the security of a network might be to say if
you'd be nervous about someone doing this, then you still have things
left to fix. :)
Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL "Less talk. More synthohol." --Lt. Worf
Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 19:50:53 GMT