> I guess my opinion, which isn't very popular here, is that unless
>permission has been explicitly given, one should not assume permission
>to a local LAN, or internet access through the LAN. I do recognize that
>my position is due to working frequently at secured sites. One such
>facility, in San Antonio, prohibits ANY access to their network by
>non-employees. Contractors must tell a technician what commands to
>enter, and which buttons to click.
I agree with the above. Nobody should ever just assume it is
ok to do whatever they wish on somebody elses network withouth
getting explicit permission first. I have similar problems with
contractors in a similar secure building. If for no other reason
than it is bad etiquette to impose yourself into someone elses area
without permission to do so.
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Received on Sat Feb 02 2002 - 21:54:06 GMT