Maybe OT: Network ethics

From: Chris <>
Date: Sun Feb 3 00:30:53 2002

>> For some ultra-secure type site, wiring the other two pairs to detect a
>> connection, and or to deliver 48VDC (from a spare telephone switch
>> supply) would deter all but the most determined.
>Or even have it so that unused RJ45 wall jacks are wired to a nearby
>electric outlet. "Oh, you plugged into one of our proprietary power

I like this for the "teach them a lesson" factor... but if you are going
to go thru the trouble of using custom patch cables... why not just use
custom port connectors as well? Maybe something like the old 4 prong
phone connectors (don't know the name... those 4 straight pin blocks old
telco supplied phones used to have), or even something like a DIN

I don't know the electrical side of things though... so I don't know how
bad this would screw up the cat rating for high speed connections.


Received on Sun Feb 03 2002 - 00:30:53 GMT

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