Maybe OT: Network ethics

From: Tothwolf <>
Date: Sun Feb 3 20:44:33 2002

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Bill Pechter wrote:
> > On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> >
> > I picked up a bag of these things Saturday. It had 6 8.20ft. drop cables,
> > 6 wall plates with taps, 2 of the special terminators, and an extra tap. I
> > already had a 25ft. drop cable laying around, so now I've got enough parts
> > for a 7 node AMP thinnet tap-style 10Base-2 segment.
> Nice find. I used them at Fort Monmouth... they worked great although
> the cables were expensive as hell.

I thought so too. I got the bag of AMP stuff, an 8' section of twinaxial
with an AMP connector, T fitting, and terminator along with an Epson EX/LQ
serial printer cable for a grand total of $3.50 :)

I also bought some more (new) DC6250 and DC6525 tapes for the usual $1ea,
but I'd still like to find some DC6150s and DC600s to make boot tapes.

The bag of AMP stuff looked like a kit for a job installation that someone
never installed or finished. Two if the taps had some snipped off coax
stubs in them, but they are easy to remove. When I removed the coax bits,
I found the inner aluminum shield had been inserted into the contact with
the center conductor. It makes me wonder if someone didn't know how to
install AMP taps, and gave up on them...

> I finally gave up and had Cat5 installed for 10BaseT. There's still a
> pile of thinnet here for quick lab connections via a hub to the house
> lan when the current projects need to get to the internet for driver
> downloads.

I use mostly 10Base-T myself now, but I've got lots of old gear that has
10Base-2 connections. Last year sometime, I found a batch of 8 port/subnet
10Base-2 cards for a Synoptics 3000 chassis. I think I have enough for 64
of so individual 10Base-2 subnets (I don't think I'll run that many, but
who knows...) In the same lot, I got a pair of terminal server cards for
the same chassis. Now I only need to find 3-5 more of those old 12 slot
3000 series chassis, hopefully some already loaded with cards. The 3000
series chassis I bought in the past were ~$15-20ea with cards included,
but I wish I had kept more than one of them now.

Received on Sun Feb 03 2002 - 20:44:33 GMT

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