RT-11 disk copying question

From: Jerome Fine <jhfine_at_postoffice.idirect.com>
Date: Mon Feb 4 11:50:57 2002

>Tom Leffingwell wrote:

> It works this way...i guess that was problem. Is the official response
> something other y or yes? I suppose it could be my terminal settings.
> My vt420 needs some pretty weird settings to make it work with the program
> I'm running.
> Thanks,
> Tom
> >On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Jerome Fine wrote:
> > Although at first glance I would have said that you have a bad DUP.SAV
> > (same program for both commands), I can't see that happen with both
> > V4.00 DUP.SAV and V5.00 DUP.SAV, especially on switching from
> > V4.00 RT11XM to V5.00 RT11JS.
> > Maybe try the /NOQUERY switch:
> > also
> > That way it does not ask for a response. Worth a try.

Jerome Fine replies:

OK! Obviously the reply mechanism is the problem!

The answer MUST have the first letter as "Y", although I don't think the other
letters are checked or does it matter if there is more than one letter - I just
don't bother.

But since the "/NOQU" switch can't always be used, it should be figured
out. If you have a VT100 you can test with, that may help to see if it is
a problem with the VT420. But at least you have narrowed it down to
the "Y" answer (lower case not allowed).

It might also be as simple as typing "<SHIFT>/Y", but that should not
be the answer. But can't hurt to try.

Any other questions?
Received on Mon Feb 04 2002 - 11:50:57 GMT

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