HP 9000 battery update

From: Tothwolf <tothwolf_at_concentric.net>
Date: Tue Feb 5 00:39:45 2002

On Mon, 4 Feb 2002, Christopher Smith wrote:

> I don't know the power rating. The compartments look to me like they
> might be for small-ish gel-cells of some sort. about 2"x2"x1" -- the
> connector is a two prong square thing. :) They're supposed to be
> rechargable (of course...) Beyond that, I have no idea.

Well, if you could put up a few photos of the compartment and the
connectors I could help you identify what kind of battery they use. If you
can connect a DC voltmeter to the battery connectors, and measure the
charge voltage, that will help narrow it down very quickly.

Btw, gel-cell is just a particular brand of sealed lead acid battery.

Received on Tue Feb 05 2002 - 00:39:45 GMT

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