--- Jerome Fine <jhfine_at_postoffice.idirect.com> wrote:
> > >On Feb 4, 17:48, Jerome Fine wrote:
> > > (a) As far as I know, there are no hobby versions, as yet, for
> > > TSX-PLUS.
> > > However, if there is enough interest, perhaps we could inquire...
> ONE! I will inquire if the total reaches FIVE!
Two! (at least)
I worked on an industrial inspection product based on TSX-PLUS. It was
long enough ago (1986) that perhaps it was called TSX-11. I did the
development on a $300 Qbus box (KDF11, 256KW, LPV11, RLV12 - well... the
$300 was for the box, the CPU, memory, line printer interface and a
serial card... the RLV12 was another $100 and I already owned most of the
peripherals - I stole them from my PDP-8/a, proof that occasionally,
collecting computers is profitable). The target was an 11/73 with
all the trimmings including a full boat of RAM and a Fujitsu Eagle
for a data disk.
I always got a kick out of the fact that my machine was well under $500,
but I could develop software for a $20K computer on it. We used RL02
packs to migrate work back and forth. I didn't own one, but the boss did -
I booted from RL01 and used the RL02 for the data set and software
So... I'd be interested in a hobbyist license for TSX-PLUS.
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Received on Tue Feb 05 2002 - 08:43:16 GMT