Claude.W wrote:
> -Only 1 copy of a machine. Keep the best & cleanest. Trash, sell or giveaway
> duplicates. I was keeping extra for trades but find they take up too much
> space.
Yes, but sometimes it just feels safer to have another copy of the same
machine around for spares or for trading. Just my opinion.
> -No matching printers for each system. I abandonned printers long time ago
> or it just takes up too much space.
Definately not. I have two nice matrix printers on a shelve and when I need
to print something I usually use them or the network laser printer.
> -No books. Only one or 2 max complete reference per system. Or then it gets
> outta control.
> -No magazines.
I don't agree. Personally, I think that books and magazines (in reasonable
amounts, not something like the complete run of every magazine you once saw
at a newsstand) are quite manageable and when properly collected and
preserved they are also fun to browse through.
> -Only 1 or 2 peripherals like floppy drives and such....I dont try to get
> every peripheral for each system...
> -Only 1 "branded monitor" model per system. Monitors use a lotta space.
Agreed, especially with homecomputers like the 64 it can really be a pain
in the ass (if you excuse my expression) to have all those little boxes and
circuits lying around. At the moment I am thinking about throwing most of the
Commodore stuff out. Anybody in northern Germany here who would be willing
to fetch it?
Thomas S. Strathmann
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin
Received on Tue Feb 05 2002 - 03:17:07 GMT