On Tue, Feb 05, 2002 at 02:54:50PM +0000, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> Ok, now's your chance to discuss your specialty and get the attention of
> other folks who have stuff that you may want.
My specialtys?
Everything form DEC. (main focus)
Everything that is at least in principle able to run Unix.
(Excluding PeeCees, exclusion of the exclusion IBM MCA stuff.
Special interrest in the "classic" Unix vendors Sun, SGI, HP, IBM)
"Big Iron" I don't own somthing of this category, but I will catch it,
if it comes across my way.
Old calculators, especially from HP.
I don't like / collect PeeCee, 8 bit, game console, ... stuff. But
I rescue it if it is on the way to the scrap yard to trade it with
other collectors.
Machine most wanted: VAX 6660
(My first non PeeCee machine was a VAX. This caused permanent damage. ;-) )
Because this is the smallest "real" VAX, the smallest machine
I would call a mini and the space and electricity needs are in
a range, that it is affordable to run the machine 24/7.
In fact I want a VAX 9000 and a PDP 10 / DECSYSTEM [12]0.
But I will not think about the cost of electricity... :-(
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Wed Feb 06 2002 - 06:44:01 GMT