RJ45 to serial DE-9

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Wed Feb 6 02:24:49 2002

On Feb 6, 1:16, Chris wrote:
> >I thought I had one, but I don't. Someone out there have/know where to
> >a cable with an RJ-45 plug on one side and a female DE-9 (DB-25 okay but
> >prefer DE-9) on the other? This is to plug my Commodore into the serial
> >on my Lantronix EPS4+1 and attempt to get it on the network by reverse
> >Telnet.
> I have seen RJ45 to DE9 adaptors before. I have one someplace, it came
> with my DSL router. But I have seen them for sale at computer shows
> before, and would think they should be readily available at any decent
> electronics or network parts dealer. I think Rat Shack sells a roll your
> own pinout one that goes to a DB25 (I know they have an RJ14, 6 pin to
> DB25).

Get a roll-your-own. There are several pinouts for RJ45-DE9, so if you buy
one ready-made, you're going to end up muttering to Murphy. They're
usually in the form of a shell made to hold an RJ45 socket, which comes
with 8 wires connected, each with a pin (or socket pin) crimped on the end,
ready to insert into the DE9 body that comes with it. They're also cheap,
less than 1 UKP here (about $1.00) from CPC.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Wed Feb 06 2002 - 02:24:49 GMT

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