--- Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com> wrote:
> On Feb 6, 6:13, Kris Kirby wrote:
> > Anyone know where I can get (2) of those 20MA male connectors?
> Not the shells (they're obsolete, unfortunately) but were part ofthe AMP
> Mate-N-Lok Commercial range, the same as is used on 5.25" drive
> connectors.
One thing to watch for - pin diameter. I made my own connector for a
VT220 out of a pair of drive power connectors, and it works fine, but
I think the VT220 end got stretched - now that I have a real set of
TTY cables, they don't fit in my terminal. I tried to sort of compress
them back into place, but I think I'll have to remove the board and
remove the connector from the board before I can get clear access to the
pins. OTOH, I could try to make a pin squeezer out of tubing...
> You can still get the pin inserts and socket inserts, of course.
Got part numbers? I'm also looking for part numbers for Berg connector
bits - somewhere I have the tool that makes the same cables as DEC did
with the black Berg shells. What I lack is the female crimp-on "pins".
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Received on Wed Feb 06 2002 - 15:45:18 GMT