
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Wed Feb 6 19:20:50 2002

> The last real impressive software we developed was Gopher. I can still
> remember when any sane person had realized Gopher was dead, I asked
> why they were still holding these yearly Gopher conferences, and the
> guys started gushing about "3D Gopher" that was going to be all the rage.
> And yes it sounded as absurd to me then as it does in hindsight today.

Gopher ain't dead.


As soon as I finish the new search engine, there will be an updated
Veronica-2 database to search. I also keep a listing of known gophers
up there too.

For those curious about the 3-D Gopher VR, there's a CVS tree somewhere
that's porting it to Unix. Meanwhile, Mac users can get the old test
version from


It still has a few bugs, which are now being repaired in the Unix port.

There's screenshots in that directory for those who are unenlightened^W^Wuse
other platforms.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Once, adv.: Enough. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary" ------------
Received on Wed Feb 06 2002 - 19:20:50 GMT

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