Working with useful computers (was: What's your specialty?)

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Thu Feb 7 12:18:35 2002

Quothe David Woyciesjes, from writings of Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at
10:39:24AM -0500:
> I must agree with Linc here. If it weren't for M$ products crashing,
> I wouldn't be making the money to have a classic computer collection...
> I can understand why you guys wouldn't want to use them, though.

Therein lies the problem: People who know better, yet, are willing to
purchase Micro$oft products and work with them.

If enough people refused to use the blasted Micro$oft rubbush, more
people who know better than to work with it would have an income
instead of reading about more and more positions requiring people to
use that broken-by-design software. If one collects classic computer
systems, then shouldn't one be learning from them and using that
knowledge as a guide for what one, and one's employer, purchases and
uses? For example, most of us here have knowledge of useful operating
systems, which sets us apart from the average unfortunate
boss'-butt-kissing deindividualized biz'droids who have been
brainwashed to equate Micro$oft with adequate and useful computer
software and operating systems.

Has anyone here given any serious thought to combining what we know
about all of the various classic operating systems, what works well,
what doesn't, etc., and using what we know to create a new operating
system that's fun to use, extremely hackish and extremely reliable?
Something like a UNIX-AOS/VS--VMS hybrid, for one example. Wouldn't
it be fun to take that a step further and design hackish computer
hardware? Just think of the good that this would do for the world.
It would make many people happy instead of them being frustrated by
annoying computer systems.

Ideally, this new system would use some sort of new-fangled bit-slice
ICs with miniature vacuum-tubes in them (which no one manufactures,
yet, alas), wired up to create a user-microprogrammable system, like a
very fast, 72-bit PERQ CPU. :-) Full schematics and software source
code would be delivered with each system, as well as flow-charts.
This would form the basis of the "tech support" for the systems. If
all computer users had to understand the systems they used, and were
presented with adequate, well-written, documentation, few people would
ever need to telephone "tech support."

Just my two cents worth... :-)

Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals: 
All Rights Reserved            an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &  410-744-4900  her other creatures, using dogma to justify such         beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Thu Feb 07 2002 - 12:18:35 GMT

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