Working with useful computers (was: What's your specialty?)

From: Marvin Johnston <>
Date: Thu Feb 7 12:25:03 2002

"R. D. Davis" wrote:
> Quothe David Woyciesjes, from writings of Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at
> 10:39:24AM -0500:
> > I must agree with Linc here. If it weren't for M$ products crashing,
> > I wouldn't be making the money to have a classic computer collection...
> > I can understand why you guys wouldn't want to use them, though.
> Therein lies the problem: People who know better, yet, are willing to
> purchase Micro$oft products and work with them.

How do you define "know better"????? and what do you mean by "MS
Products"????? Why do people here use ebay when ebay has shown itself to
be irresponsible (incompetent?) when it comes to adding "features"
(which don't work), adding hoops and hurdles to people trying to use the
site, and a host of other problems? The short answer is that both
basically do the job although the way the job gets done can sometimes be
called brain-damaged and do not work for all users. I've been running
win95, first release, for quite a few years now with no crashes to speak
of. Ditto for MS Word and Excel. Define the application first, THEN
criticize. Otherwise, blanket statements such as your last sentence are
just nonsense.
Received on Thu Feb 07 2002 - 12:25:03 GMT

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