My primary specialty is disk formats.
I guess that my secondary specialty will have to be the absurd.
> > > > > Opus and Bill shooting down flying toasters was a significant event in
> > > > > the history of computer intellectual property law!
> > Identify which company was which. (easy)
Berkeley Systems "After Dark"
Delrina (Opus and Bill)
> > Find a copy of the original winged flying toaster screensaver (easy)
> > Find a copy of Opus and Bill shooting WINGED toasters. (not easy)
Does ANYBODY here have it???
> > Find a copy of Opus and Bill shooting propellor toasters (easy)
A friend has it. Won't part with it, but I can borrow.
He might trade it for my Microsoft Flight Simulator World Trade Center
There is an Opus and Bill Screen Saver on eBay
I don't know if it's the right one.
> > Identify the album. (easy)
Jefferson Airplane "Thirty Seconds Over Winterland"
Berkeley Systems claimed to have never seen the album. In Berkeley?!?
(and had never heard of Jefferson Airplane??)
> > Get a copy of that album cover. (not easy)
On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Hans Franke wrote:
> So this will be Ol' Grumpy Freds project for VCF this year ?
> I'm eager to see it.
> VCF Europa 3.0 am 27./28. April 2002 in Muenchen
I can NOT come to Munich in April. I'd love to, but time off from
teaching in mid-semester isn't easy.
But if I can get hold of the pieces, I could try to assemble them for next
fall's VCF. But I should try to use that to get rid of a few more cubic
yards of stuff.
How about a category for absurd stuff at VCF?
I could re-assemble my Pentium based toaster, ...
Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Thu Feb 07 2002 - 14:14:34 GMT