IBM 3390

From: Enrico Badella <>
Date: Fri Feb 8 02:41:14 2002

William Donzelli wrote:
> > The ACCRC has a couple IBM 3390 things. I take it these are disk drive
> > arrays? I also take it these are fairly comntemporary and can probably be
> > sold to someone?
> A fair amount of talk on the IBM mainframe list is about getting rid of
> the things.

Isn't it a controller for 3380 type disk strings... too lazy to pick up the
manual from the other side of the room!!!


Enrico Badella email:
Soft*Star srl
InterNetworking Specialists tel: +39-011-746092
Via Camburzano 9 fax: +39-011-746487
10143 Torino, Italy

  Wanted, for hobbyist use, any type of PDP and microVAX hardware,software,
  manuals,schematics,etc. and DEC-10 docs or manuals
Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 02:41:14 GMT

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