And thusly rbernardo spake:
> From Thu Feb 7 23:51:49 2002
> From: rbernardo <>
> To:
> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 20:21:46 -0800 (PST)
> While cruising through the newsgroups, and
>, I found this posting from Tom Howe. He was
> interviewed on a morning t.v. news show, and 11 minutes total were
> devoted to his computer museum at his house. Among the items were
> various Commodores. (I didn't like it when the news anchors started
> taking potshots at Commodores.)
> If you have a PC or Mac, you can connect to the link below and scroll
> down the page to where Tom's video segment is in order to see the
> Quicktime movie. Be warned... it's 16 megs long, and even on the
> school computer with a T1 connection, it took many minutes to download.
> Truly,
> Robert Bernardo
> Fresno Commodore User Group
> P.S. FYI, a Vectrex is a home videogame console from the early 1980's.
> It had a built-in vector graphics monitor, and the machine used a 6809
> processor.
> -------------
> From: Tom Howe (
> Subj: Vectrex and 3D Imager on TV News Show
> Newsgroups:,
> Date: 2002-02-07 01:24:54 PST
> Hi:
> The Vectrex (or should I say Vootrex) along with the 3D Imager were
> shown in operation on the KPTV morning news show "Good Day Oregon". A
> QuickTime movie of the event can be downloaded from this URL (Scroll
> all the way down to the bottom of the page):
> This segment was about my computer museum, so it contains a number of
> other classics, including the Minivac 6010, IBM 5100 & 5150, Pet 2001,
> Apple III, Atari 2600, etc. The Vectrex segment is about half-way
> through.
> --Tom
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Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 06:17:22 GMT