Classic Comp UUCP network.

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Fri Feb 8 14:48:55 2002

> Ron Hudson wrote:
> > I just googled on "uucp network" and I could only find
> > instances of UUCP software and some networks in Africa.
> > I think we would need to set this up our selves.
> Is it just me, or didn't someone here offer to take the
> lead on setting up a ClassicCmp UUCP map months ago?
> Or is that just symptomatic of excessive Red Bull
> intake on my part?

All depends on what you're mixing it with.... ;)

Yes, several of us had a full head of steam to do this...
I could dedicate a 486 running Linux to it and could
have it online from 8am to 5pm daily... as long as
someone puts together a step-by-step...

(I'm sure I could figure it out but my figuring organ has
little spare bandwidth left, and that's dedicated to the
Cyber simulator)...

Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 14:48:55 GMT

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