OT?????? HP200LX case repair

From: Pete Turnbull <pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com>
Date: Fri Feb 8 18:09:31 2002

On Feb 8, 17:02, Jay West wrote:

> I have recently rediscovered my HP41C and HP200LX units. The 200LX has a
> partial crack in the top lid back by the hinge, such that if it cracked
> the way through, the top (screen) would only be attached by one side. I
> to glue the crack (it gaps when opening the unit) before it breaks all
> way through. Is it better to use a superglue or a regular elmers glue?
> don't want to mess it up. I would use superglue, but I have found some
> situations where superglue doesn't adhere like I would think.

I don't know what elmers glue is, and I don't have an HP41C or HP200LX. If
the case is plastic, it's most likely some grade of ABS or just possibly
PVC. (If it's a "waxy" plastic it may be some relative of polythene or
high density polypropylene and almost nothing glues those -- you have to
heat weld them.)

Proper ABS cement (available for plastic plumbing) is about the strongest
glue you can get for that, much stronger than superglue on ABS. It doesn't
just adhere, it welds the plastic. An alternative is methyl ethyl ketone,
MEK, commonly available as a solvent and widely used industrially to
glue/weld both PVC and ABS.

Whatever you do, try it on the inside first, where it won't show if it goes

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 18:09:31 GMT

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