10BaseT Friendlynet media adapter

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Fri Feb 8 17:29:43 2002

>On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Neil Cherry wrote:
>> Anyone one in NJ care for 2 Asante FN10TA (free)? I bid on 2 EN/SC 10T
>> and they shipped the wrong stuff. They've said I could keep it and I'm
>> hoping they'll find the EN/SC's.
>Speaking of Asante Friendlynet stuff, I've got a few inline 10Base-2
>adapters that I have no information on. Each has 2 BNC and 1 RJ45
>connectors on them. I'm guessing these use some sort of special cable on
>the RJ45 port to connect to the computer? I found a cable loose in another
>box that has an AAUI connector on one end, and an RJ45 plug on the other.
>Would this be the type of cable used by them?

Thats the way mine are, both ends of the cable are often sort of shrink
wrapped too. Now you have a complete, but practically useless AAUI to 10b2
Received on Fri Feb 08 2002 - 17:29:43 GMT

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