Jay West wrote:
> Oh Paleeze... this sounds much more like a clique designed to keep some
> people out, or a toy for someone to play with, than something that solves a
> real need.
I'd hazard that a very large fraction of the systems rescued, restored
and maintained by members of this list aren't solving a "real need",
or are at best inferior tools for solving said need. If solving a
"real need" is a necessary metric for making something relevant to
classic computing worthwhile I suppose that we might as well toss most
of our stuff in the skip.
> Besides... I still subscribe to the libertarian ethos that the
> Internet was originally founded on,
Uh, just _which_ libertarian ethos was that? ARPAnet had no such
thing, and NFSnet had acceptable use policies up the ass. The only
thing out there that had any such "libertarian ethos" was the
bang-path hell of UUCP connected systems.
Chris Kennedy
PGP fingerprint: 4E99 10B6 7253 B048 6685 6CBC 55E1 20A3 108D AB97
Received on Sat Feb 09 2002 - 14:14:20 GMT