Classic Comp UUCP network.

From: John Allain <>
Date: Sat Feb 9 15:29:28 2002

> seller would sell an item to to the first person
> responding to an ad, and if no one was willing to pay the requested
> price, the item went to the best offer. Simple, easy, quick, sensible
> and convenient.

I got my uV3400 & uV3500 that way. It still can happen.
Both within the last 16 months.

As for the other Q. This list Could be private, with controlled
membership. Just disallow outsiders, don't automatically
subscribe with a robot, moderate That one process. Make
people send in a 400 word essay to get on if they aren't
already, and have rules for banishment.

John A.
Received on Sat Feb 09 2002 - 15:29:28 GMT

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