I seem to remember reading that "Ashton" was Tate's
pet parrot. . . .
On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 18:04:58 -0800 (PST) "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)"
<cisin_at_xenosoft.com> writes:
> On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Jeff Hellige wrote:
> > The Ashton-Tate product started with dBase II...there
> never
> > was a version 1. Myself, I always preferred Rbase.
> There also wasn't an "Ashton" in "Ashton-Tate". George Tate just
> though
> that publisher names like Prentice-Hall and McGrah-Hill sounded
> neat.
> He was once asked what the best moment of his career was. He
> replied that
> it was building a radio controlled blimp to use for advertising
> inside
> Comdex. He was then asked about the worst. "finding out that we
> couldn't
> use the blimp in Comdex"
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Received on Sun Feb 10 2002 - 20:48:17 GMT