Paul Williams wrote:
>Pete Turnbull wrote:
>>On Feb 9, 13:46, Paul Williams wrote:
>>>Is there any form of address for Cifer on the terminal? I don't
>>>even know which country they came from.
>> The UK. A friend of mine went to work for them for a while in the
>> late '80s, but I know very little more about them. Except that they
>> made some quite cool black terminals, one of which I had until
>> recently.
>You actually get rid of stuff occasionally? Shocking behaviour.
>It appears that Cifer made terminals and CP/M boxes. I haven't checked
>the termcaps, but it appears that some were VT100-compatible (the ones I
>used at Poly) and some weren't.
Not adding any useful information, but I remember using a Cifer CP/M
box at school (donated by a local major pharmaceuticals company IIRC,
who didn't go to any of the trouble of deleting anything :-). Came with
a massive 10MB hard disk and a 5.25" floppy, and a little greenscreen
all in a single unit.
We opened one up (after it had blown the magic blue smoke - the foam
'filter' on the cooling fans at the back had jammed the fan blades and
it overheated rather horribly.) At the time I couldn't get over the
fact that it had a Z80 for the main processor, but a 68000 (IIRC)
driving the display hardware... As a 680x0 bigot, that always seemed
the wrong way round :-).
Tim Walls at home in Croydon - Reply to
Received on Mon Feb 11 2002 - 05:18:29 GMT