Orlando hamfest last weekend
Great fun. Lotsa driving. Lotsa great people, Lotsa classic computer
First, I knew that Joe's CC reentry was being fueled by a *few* cool Intel
MDS-800 systems so I brought down an Intel MDS 235 for him (that was
originally his to begin with) to add to his growing 'Intel Gravatational
Joe and I started early Friday and Saturday and I scored all this real
Technical Careers Instutute, Electrical Department's, X-80 (z-80 sbc)
SUN SparcStations 1, 2, 5, 20 (all stripped except the 2,) and 2 keyboards
TI-2500 Datamath LED calculator
DEC puck mouse, LED Test Light Panel
GenRad's/DEC M7516, M3107, M7546, M7608, M7609, ClearPoint, WQESD/04
Commodore VIC-20 ML and Monitor Cart and 3 Slot Expanders
Commodore 1571 and 1541, Simon Basic Cart, Infocom's HGTTG (my perile
sensitive (driving) sunglasses are wearing out)
COCO Basic09, OS9, OS9L2, and Pascal docs (some lamer ebayer borrowed and
kept mine)
DANA Counter (for the 8 NIXIES)
X-10 Telephone remote controller and a few split wall recepts.
ARC 40A (rs232) Data Analyzer
PN's Inside the IBM PC
TRS-80 Sales catalogs RSC-7, CCF-832, 8/24/82 Sale
The new RTTY Handbook (Joe's)
RTTY A-Z (Joe's)
Rainbow 84, 87-92
Color Computer 3/84 (premier) - 11/84
Creative COmputing 10.11 - 11.4
Byte 3/84
TRS-80 Microcomputer News 4.5 - 5.7
PE Aug/76, Sept/76, Mar/77, Mar/78, 78 Electronics Experimenters
Handbook, May/80
At the end, when we were about done, Joe stayed behind to guard our piles
while I fetched the car to load up. When I returned, Joe had found *my* RCA
VIP. I felt several blood vessels then pop behind my forehead... ;)
There were also several classiccmps not picked up because of high prices
Several TRS-80 100 portables and one with the portable floppy and a
Model 4
SGI Indy
Timex ZX81
There was also a cool computer (not purchased) from Chrystler that was a old
8080 (embedded maybe) multiboard system in a cardcage. It's 8080 chip was
from '74, and there were a few 2020 Emulator boards (??) in there two...
There was even one 'Vintage Computer' table. This guy had CoCo stuff
galore. He said that I was his only customer the first day. So I made some
ancillary purchases from him for the coco and commie stuff mentioned above.
Oh yeah. And I may just score a full rack with a PDP 8M and a few ASR 33
TTs based on a random conversations struck up while there with another
shopper (!!!)
- Mike: dogas_at_bellsouth.net
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