Yeah after I wrote that I remebered that those pre-MIL numbers are older
than I thought and that the PL-259 stood for what you said, which I knew it
to mean. How things change but yet remain the same.
=> -----Original Message-----
=> From:
=> []On Behalf Of William Donzelli
=> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:43 PM
=> To:
=> Subject: RE: Old HP scanner
=> > I'm not sure that the military terminolg was PL-259 for the PLug type
=> > 259...
=> PL-259 stands for Plug number 259. It is a circa 1940 addition to the
=> Signal Corps number system that the Army started in World War 1. If you
=> really gotta know the old Signal Corps stock number, it is 2Z7226-259.
=> William Donzelli
Received on Mon Feb 11 2002 - 23:05:39 GMT
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