Freight again

From: Doc <>
Date: Tue Feb 12 18:58:08 2002

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Russ Blakeman wrote:

> Just a thought. If things were slow here like years past I'd be up for the
> trip but it's been (oddly) busy. Hope you come up with something that works.
> Heck maybe UI will scrpa their Cray and you can get that cheap (yeah,
> uh-huh).

  Funny you should mention the Crays. My boss just talked to the people
in IBM Austin yesterday, and it looks like UT is crawfishing on
scrapping that.
  So I talked to my friend in Surplus today, and they haven't heard
anything at all.
  Sounds like UT Austin.

Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 18:58:08 GMT

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