Oh, Happy Day!

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Tue Feb 12 20:18:09 2002

Much to my wife's chagrin, I just found a new toy...

I'd posted to a couple newsgroups & another email list on my continuing
search for a decent *affordable* PAL/GAL/EPROM/Flash programmer, and
someone suggested I check online vendors for refurbed "obsolete" items. I'd
done that before with no luck, but that renewed my interest of looking
around, so I googled a little more, and stumbled across a homebrew
electronics FAQ:


which had a nice long list of hardware vendors who sell just these kinds of
things, at *way* too much money. But, I persevered, and when I got to the
*last* web address on the list, low & behold... Paydirt!


They sell their refurbed programmers at muchly reduced prices, and had a
decent stock of them, to boot! I needed one that was parallel port capable,
as my main PeeCee & my laptop at work use expansion slots that aren't ISA.
I got their Superpro L, 40-pin programmer & 74xx series logic tester for
$185, plus SH&I rounded it to $200 and a few pennies...

I couldn't resist clicking on "add to cart" and "checkout" - they take
PayPal for payment as well as Credit Cards -- around 1400 hrs EST. I got a
receipt email about 20 seconds later... and 3 hours later, another email
that it's already been shipped, with a tracking number! :-)


So, to make sure this stays on-topic (as 90+% of what I'm using this for is
programming stuff for classic computers) if anyone has (or knows where to
find) the datafile to program a fresh GAL to fix a gray Tandy Multi-Pak
adapter (26-3024, IIRC) for CoCo3 usage, I'd be happy to burn new GALs for
anyone needing them for cost of GAL & shipping. I have a Multi-Pak that
needs updating, and I dunno if anyone else has this ability (or cares)

Just one thing left to find... an SMD rework station for around the same
($200) mark... (again, so I can make boards for my CoCos...)

(The same site has a sale on their SMDeasy station - $349, but that's still
a wee bit out of my price range... time to save my pennies...)

Well, just had to share my good fortune with y'all...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 20:18:09 GMT

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