On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Doc wrote:
> Yes. They (well, OK, the guys who responded to my questions) have
> their collective heads up their collective butts.
> The website is not being maintained, and sold-out listings aren't
> getting removed.
> They aren't responding to the forums.
> I emailed a query about several pieces of equipment in January, and it
> took two weeks to get a response about almost all my questions. The
> dufus who answered the first email told me that 4 out of the 7 items on
> my list were sold. No mention at all of the status, price or condition
> of the 3 machines that weren't sold. I asked, "OK, what about (B) (C)
> and (F)?" and he replied that (B) is too large for them to ship.
> Another exchange garnered the information that (C) had sold while we
> were trying to communicate, and I never found out anything at all about
> (F).
> Not the way I do business.
Doc, see my other messages. They really are trying but the Aftermath
sales operation has floundered since about December. A re-working of the
website is underway which will be more like a marketplace. Items will be
updated regularly and ordering things will be simple.
If you're looking for something in the meantime then they may be able to
help you (time and resources willing). The new site should be ready in a
few weeks.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
* Old computing resources for business and academia at www.VintageTech.com *
Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 12:20:44 GMT