Cut me some slack (was Re: Spectrum makes a comeback)

From: Glen Goodwin <>
Date: Tue Feb 12 22:35:57 2002

I find it outrageous that Amstrad is trying to cash in on the Spectrum
name, after they dumped the product line years ago.

Did anyone check the fine print where it says that each game "expires"
after a period of time, and in order to keep playing you must pay again?
Piss on that!

Here's a cheaper solution (and a better selection): go to World of
Spectrum at and download an emulator. They're
available for a lot of platforms including Unix, Amiga, and Win CE.
(Warajevo is my personal favorite for Win9x). You now have *free* access
to over 10,000 programs, which you can also download from WOS.

If you happen to have a *real* Speccy (or a TS2068 with emulator cart) and
a Win9x peecee, you can then download Taper, which you can use to transfer
the programs to a cassette, or directly into the input of your Spec/2068.

Anyone up for a run at Enduro Racer, Rainbow Islands, or Chuckie Egg? ;>)


From: Sellam Ismail <>

> On Fri, 8 Feb 2002, Gareth Knight wrote:
> > The Sinclair Spectrum is being relaunched by Amstrad as part of their
> > phone.
> >
> That's too cool. I must have one.
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
Received on Tue Feb 12 2002 - 22:35:57 GMT

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