Oh, Happy Day!

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Wed Feb 13 09:11:08 2002

Rumor has it that Tothwolf may have mentioned these words:
>On Tue, 12 Feb 2002, Roger Merchberger wrote:
>> So, to make sure this stays on-topic (as 90+% of what I'm using this
>> for is programming stuff for classic computers) if anyone has (or
>> knows where to find) the datafile to program a fresh GAL to fix a gray
>> Tandy Multi-Pak adapter (26-3024, IIRC) for CoCo3 usage, I'd be happy
>> to burn new GALs for anyone needing them for cost of GAL & shipping. I
>> have a Multi-Pak that needs updating, and I dunno if anyone else has
>> this ability (or cares) anymore...
>I've got a white 4 cart multipack adapter. What is the difference between
>the gray and white ones?

The color??? ;-)

Just kidding. IIRC, the white paks are 26-3124, and have a soldered-on ASIC
which can't be upgraded without external circuitry - someone somewhere on
the 'net had a howto on adding a dead-bug 74LS10 to the newer packs to make
them CoCo3 compatible.

The older packs used a (socketted?) PAL for address decoding, and with the
datafile to program a new PAL/GAL it's a drop-in replacement.

>> Just one thing left to find... an SMD rework station for around the
>> same ($200) mark... (again, so I can make boards for my CoCos...)
>I just found a flux/epoxy dispensing system this last weekend (no
>handpiece yet), so I'm just about ready to find a SMT rework station
>myself. Maybe I'll find one of those for $0.50 too...well, I can dream
>can't I? ;P

Like I always say... if you're gonna dream, dream *big*!!! :-)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Wed Feb 13 2002 - 09:11:08 GMT

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